TabSafe In-home Medication Dispensing System When a medication is due, an alert reminds the user to press a button which triggers the medication to dispense into a drawer. The dispensing drawer also remains locked until the actual release of the medication occurs.
Read more →TabSafe is a great solution for patients who are on multiple medications, chronic illnesses, such as cancer patients who have changes in their scheduled dose times. TabSafe can accommodate any schedule; regardless of the level of complexity. It handles “as needed” meds thus eliminating the risk of overdose . Each
Read more →Good Morning and Hello again! TabSafe is an effective medication machine! TabSafe is designed as a secure, locking unit. Safety and security for users and caregivers. Easy to fill cassettes. The device can hold up to 30 messages.
Read more →Medication Adherence , Who Cares? Calling all Baby Boomers! We all know who we are. Anyone and everyone who has a loved one and has been dealing with on going hospital visits and medical non-adherence should care! TabSafe is a medication solution. TabSafe helps maintain independence for the individual. Safe
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