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Archive for the Uncategorized Category

Happy New Year!

So It’s a new year, Happy New Year!! We still have the dilemma of being medical adherent.  What’s wrong with taking your medication at scheduled times??  What is it?? Are you not worried about the insurance world increasing our premiums?  That’s the reason Insurance companies have the

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How To Take Control Over Your Medications What could better than to have control over your medications  and health!  To be independent of all the bottles that contain your daily medications.  Have them in one place in your home. In-home Medication Dispensing System. TabSafe TabSafe knows what time for each medication, and will prompt you with a voice

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Pill Reminder Dispensary for Baby Boom Generation

TabSafe –  As baby boom generation moves toward retirement and health care costs escalate, older adults will be expected to play a more active role in managing their own preventive care and in treatment of existing conditions.  Chronic conditions with multiple medications need a simple solution.  TabSafe

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Tab Safe Perfect Solution to Drug Overdose

TabSafe would be a better solution for some challenged by opioid abuse. Drug overdose is the leading cause of injury death in the U.S., greater than car accidents. Each day, according to Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, 100 Americans die of drug overdose. (9.4 percent of

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Real-Time Patient Medication Adherence

Check out; explore what the website page is all about.  I’ve only touched the surface of the possibilities of what this medical medication dispensing machine can do to help your loved one stay safe and secure in their home.  TabSafe:  Capture additional prescription revenue including OTCs,

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Pill dispenser For Patients with Chronic Illness

TabSafe is a great solution for patients who are on multiple medications, chronic illnesses, such as  cancer patients who have changes in their scheduled dose times.  TabSafe can accommodate any schedule; regardless of the level of complexity.   It handles “as needed” meds thus eliminating the risk of overdose .  Each

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Effective Medication Machine

Good Morning and Hello again! TabSafe is an effective medication machine!  TabSafe is designed as a secure, locking unit.  Safety and security for users and caregivers. Easy to fill cassettes. The device can hold up to 30 messages.

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Medication Solutions LLC
2111 S. Trenton Way, #101
Denver, CO 80231

PH: 303-399-1088
FX: 303-399-1092
TF: 877-700-8600

About TabSafe

TabSafe is the easy-to-use, effective solution for managing medications yet can accommodate even the most complex schedules. The security features and online reporting mean peace of mind for the user, family and caregivers. Improving medication adherence to over 96% leads to increased wellness and independence.